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Master of Science in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (MSDSAI)

数据科学与人工智能理学硕士(MSDS-AI)推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站是一个STEM推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站,旨在吸引和留住具有计算机科学或IT管理背景的学生. 这将有助于吸引已经拥有msc学位的其他机构的国际学生, 并保留在推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站完成一个或多个其他硕士学位的国际学生. Data Science is an emerging field and very few universities have degrees in this area.

本课程的学生将学习如何在组织中实施人工智能和机器学习来解决实际问题. They will identify which problems and opportunities are right for AI through Data Science, and how to maximize the likelihood of success. 介绍了具体的方法,以帮助从业者限制风险,并通过创建生产级AI和DS系统为其组织提供有形价值,以确保质量决策过程.

MSDS-AI计划的使命是培养学生成为终身学习的基督教仆人领袖, 通过将发现研究与工作场所的知识和实际应用联系起来,继续提供奖学金, to foster active participation in a diverse global society, and prepare students for further study at the doctoral level.

商业经济与技术学院的目标包括提供信息技术前沿的课程. 该计划非常适合现有的信息技术管理理学硕士(MSITM)。, Professions Master of 公共汽车iness Administration (PMBA), Master of Management in Leadership (MML), and Master of Science 计算机科学 (MSCS).

数据科学与人工智能理学硕士(MSDAI)现在提供在线完成. 访问 M.S. in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence 在线 了解更多信息.

这个推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站的使命是一致的——大学为终身学习准备基督教仆人领袖, 持续的奖学金, and active participation in a diverse, global society and to model servant leadership and effective stewardship.


DS 610技术写作3小时.
DS 611介绍duction to Artificial Intelligence & 机器学习3小时.
DS 612推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站管理分析3小时.
DS 613大数据分析3小时.
DS 614设计思考3小时.
DS 615数据挖掘和仓库3小时.
DS 616Ethical Issues for Artificial Intelligence3小时.
DS 617人工智能应用3小时.
DS 618Transforming the Global Supply Chain with Artificial Intelligence3小时.
DS 619区块链技术3小时.
DS 620数字取证3小时.
DS 621公共汽车iness 推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站ect 大数据时代 and Artificial Intelligence (Capstone)3小时.


The courses will be offered as follows:

Master of Science in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (MSDSAI)G1G2G3G3G5G6
课程#科目名称 (36 semester hours--12 courses)
DS 610技术写作X
DS 611介绍. 对人工智能 & 机器学习X
DS 612点分析X
DS 613大数据分析X
DS 614设计思考X
DS 615数据挖掘 & 仓库X
DS 616人工智能的伦理问题X
DS 617人工智能应用X
DS 618Transforming the Global Supply Chain with AIX
DS 619区块链技术X
DS 620数字取证X
DS 621公共汽车. 推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站. 大数据时代 & AIX

The specific learning outcomes for the program include the following:

  • 学生将能够制定一个完善的解决问题的数据科学和人工智能解决方案,清楚地展示了对最终用户需求的理解.
  • 学生将能够批判与快速发展的技术社会相关的机遇和挑战,并应用先进的数据科学和人工智能理论来解决现有的业务需求.
  • 学生将能够评估合规性问题,并建立一套解决特定数据科学和人工智能问题的最佳实践.
  • 学生将能够建设性地建立并提出一个有效的推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站,以说明当前的技术问题, 提供潜在的解决方案, and provide a single set of recommendations.
  • 学生 will be able to construct coherent form of narrative, 说明的, and persuasive presentation used to engage and justify a set of potential solutions.


Course descriptions for the program include the following:

This course prepares students to design effective documents for technical, or business writing for both written and digital media with emphasis upon technical memos, 信, 报告, 和建议. Emphasis will be placed on clarity, conciseness, and accuracy of expression. 来支持这些写作任务, the course introduces principles of audience analysis, 研究和文献, 起草和修订过程, 有效使用图形, 以及基本的网络技术.
DS611 介绍duction to Artificial Intelligence and 机器学习
This course will introduce students to analytical 技术 and the fundamental methods, 技术, and software used to design and develop systems. This course is focused on analytics and its enabling 技术, 包括人工智能, 机器学习, 机器人, 聊天机器人, 和物联网.
本课程展示了分析如何在最具挑战性的推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站环境中弥合原始数据和有效决策之间的差距. Through real-world examples and case studies, students will explore the application of project management with modern analytics tools, 技术, 和流程, and integrate them with approaches such as PMBOK, 精益六西格玛DMAIC, 和戴明的PDSA.
设计思维是一种为解决复杂问题提供解决方案的设计方法论. 斯坦福大学Hasso-Plattner设计研究所提出的五阶段设计思维模型. The elements of the 5-stage model will be discussed are the following: Empathize, 定义(问题), 形成概念, 原型, 和测试. This course is intended to assist students to design better products, 服务, 用户体验, 体系结构, and innovative strategies to improve business processes.
DS615 Database Mining and 仓库
This course is foundational to the practice of data science. 学生将带着基于数据发现的广泛的实用数据分析技能离开课堂, 清洗, building real analytic applications on real data. These skills include accessing and transferring data, applying various analytical frameworks always keeping business goals in mind. The study will include aspects of descriptive and predictive analysis, 优化与仿真, 以及大数据的概念和工具. Future trends and emerging 技术 are included in this study.
本课程向学生介绍当前人工智能的伦理问题,并探讨将更多的人工智能纳入我们的社会可能带来的伦理影响. 学生 will recognize the “machine ethics”. of artificial intelligence and explain what those ethics are. 学生 will define AI systems, for decision support and predictive analysis will be.
DS617 人工智能应用
Easy to understand roadmap for how to take an organization through the adoption of AI technology. 它将首先帮助识别哪些业务问题和机会适合人工智能,以及如何优先考虑它们,以最大限度地提高成功的可能性. 介绍了特定的方法来帮助查找组织内的关键培训数据以及如何填补数据空白(如果存在的话). 有数据在手, 可以构建一个限定范围的原型来限制风险,并为整个组织提供切实的价值,以证明进一步投资的合理性. 最后, 生产级人工智能系统可以通过最佳实践来开发,以确保质量,而不仅仅是应用程序代码, 还有人工智能模型.
DS618 Transforming the Global Supply Chain with A.I.
This class looks at the “state-of-the-art” AI and analytics capabilities, 以及它们如何驱动供应链, 从营销到采购. 我们将着眼于端到端供应链中的颠覆性和变革性人工智能和分析技术. 这包括信息技术, 工艺和产品技术, Blockchains, 三维打印, and AI/analytics driven technology relevant to supply chains. We will understand what makes them work, learn to question the assumptions behind the algorithms, learn to understand the data that drives them, and consider the trade-offs decision makers must make when using them.
We study a future that consists of thousands, if not millions of blockchains that will enable not only frictionless value exchange, 同时也是一种新的价值流动, 重新定义角色, 的关系, 权力和治理. We make two other strategic assertions. 第一个, the blockchain has polymorphic characteristics; its application will result in a multiplicity of effects. 第二个, we shouldn’t ask ourselves what problems the blockchain solves, because that gives us a narrow view on its potential. 而, 我们应该想象新的机会, and tackle even more ambitious problems that cross organizational, 监管和心理界限
DS621 公共汽车iness 推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站ect 大数据时代 and AI (Capstone)
在本课程中, 学生将设计一个推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站,以展示在本课程中积累的技能和知识. 本课程结束时提交的推荐靠谱的赌博十大网站应展示对人工智能和数据科学领域问题的理解, 分析问题, and design solutions using appropriate tools and 技术. 本课程的成果应该是一份证明学生从头到尾完全理解课程领域的文件, from proposal to development of the problem, from designing solutions to the presentation of the solution to an audience.
  • Campbellsville
  • 路易斯维尔
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